Five nutrients for healthy skin and hair
If your skin and hair are in need of some TLC, improving your diet is a good place to start. Read on to learn more about the five key nutrients that support healthy skin and hair, and discover whic...

Indigestion in the Working Day
Feelings of indigestion are never pleasant. But they can be especially troublesome throughout the working day and outside the comfort of your home. Indigestion can be felt in different ways and is ...

What are Omega-3 fats and why are they so important?
Omega-3 fatty acids are a group of poly-unsaturated fats essential to us and as our body cannot make them, it is important we include them through our diet. There is a lot of research linked with ...

5 Vitamins and Minerals that can help you sleep
There can be numerous reasons why you can’t fall asleep sometimes, either from over excitement, physical or mental stress, over exhaustion, overthinking, anxiety, depression, poor diet or certain ...

A look into our RelaxOn® Night
Stress can be a natural response to anyone that experiences any kind of change or a challenge, it can be a positive effect where it helps to overcome the stressor or motivating to achieve the goal...

Turmeric. The yellow wonder spice!
Turmeric is a traditional spice of Ayurvedic medicine which is most commonly found in curries. This root contains the bright active constituent called Curcumin, which is used as a flavouring, colo...

5 Foods to Help Lift Your Mood
Fermented Foods Research has found that there is a link between the health of our gut and the health of our brain, and certain foods that replenish the bacteria balance in our stomach can have...

Which food supplements should I take for heart health?
The foods we eat and the types of nutrients we provide our body can have a big impact on heart health. Maintaining a healthy diet can help control weight, cholesterol levels and blood pressure, ul...

5 Reasons why you should love your gut microbiome
Your body is the host to 10 times as many beneficial bacteria as there are human cells. So, you could in theory argue that we’re more bacteria than we are human!? A large amount of this bacteria a...

Your gut and brain are closely interlinked
Have you ever noticed that when you feel nervous or anxious, your gut sensations change? These butterfly-like sensations suggest that the brain and gut are connected… and recent research suggests ...

Vitamins and Minerals To Consider During Stressful Times
As well as using lifestyle tips to help manage stress on a day-to-day basis like prioritising tasks, asking for help, using the support system around you, having a healthy, balanced diet, adequate...